I think Amazon is a great company and I love being an Amazon Prime member. Let me tell you why!
When I first subscribed I thought all I was getting was free movies and free two day shipping on ordered items. Soon however, I was surprised to find out that for the yearly fee much more was included. First, as mentioned, you can watch unlimited movies on your computer, TV, or other smart devices. Second you can enjoy free streaming music on your computer or your cell phone, and thirdly you can install the free Amazon Photo app on your phone to instantly back up all your photos!
Today everyone in the world with a smartphone are taking billions of photos! But the one big problem is that we are living in an age of lost photos. People are carrying around hundreds and hundreds of pictures on their phone, and if the phone crashes, guess what? Your prize photos are gone forever! With the free Amazon photo app the minute you take a picture it’s backed up immediately to the cloud. It’s free and it’s unlimited, and that’s great peace of mind!
Streaming music is another great feature. Every kind of music you can think of. I used to pay 99 cents or $1.29 per song using Apple’s iTunes. Now I can download a whole album for free with my Amazon Prime account! I love listening to a verity of stations while working out at our fitness center!
Netflix customers are paying $11.99 per month to watch movies, and that’s all. Amazon prime is $7.99 per month for an entire package!
So, if you like watching movies, love listening to music, want all your photos backed up, and get free 2 day shipping on products ordered, sign up to be an Amazon Prime Member! Oh, and did I mention that if you have the Kindle app on your device that you have access to over 800,000 free eBooks!
Recently Amazon has added another new feature that saves you money. They’ve installed lockers at various locations in many cities making it easy and free to return items. Now that’s service! You can sign up for a 30 day free trial here.