An Unusual Experience

Every once in a while you experience something that is unusual and memorable, and such was the case on a recent camping trip.

We spent a week over Thanksgiving with lots of friends and our RVs, camping in the mountainous wilderness north of the old western town of Wickenburg, Arizona. 

During the day we rode our all terrain vehicles, exploring the unknown; old deserted gold, silver, and copper mines.  We have even found graves out in the middle of nowhere.

LamaSo, let’s get to the unusual.  We are riding along in a river bed and I see someone walking toward us in the distance.  Now keep in mind that we are miles from any campsite and I’m wondering what this person is up to.

As we get closer we see that it’s a woman and she is hiking with three friends.  A llama, a donkey, and her dog.  What a site!  So we pulled up and got acquainted. (Click on photos for larger view.)

The dog, a miniature collie, immediately treats us like long lost buddies, and the llama and donkey are equally as friendly. We had a great time getting to know all four of these characters.

Diane LamaHere, “Angel” is telling Diane that they have walked for miles and is ready to be back home as she is carrying all the supplies.  This woman must have been in good shape because they had already gone 5 miles and had more than that to hike a circle route to get back to camp.

Diane Donkey


The donkey drank out of Diane’s hand and they also had a good talk.  This guy was just too cute.

Well, after a while we mounted up and rode off, only to look back and see this group hiking off in the distance.

You just never know when you’ll have an unusual experience and this  will go in the books as one of them!