I took this photo of the Apple store at the mall near where we live. I believe one of the reasons this company has been so successful is the beauty of these stores around the world. No other phone company has done this. In my lifetime I have never witnessed people lined up to purchase their latest product, site unseen! Much credit has to be given to the originator and founder of Apple, Steve Jobs one of the technology genius’ of our time. No doubt about it, Apple is a great company!
With all this being said, is the iPhone the best smartphone on the market? I don’t think so. I’ve owned several of them and several Samsung Galaxy phones and believe the Samsung is far superior, for several reasons. Let me give you just a few.
If you turn off your iPhone then plug it into a charger it will turn back on. That’s dumb because it’s going to charge slower.
Each time you open an app on any phone it will stay open in the background, taking up memory and discharging the battery faster. Shutting down all apps on an Apple phone gets complicated as most people don’t even know how and if they do you have to shut them down one at a time. Dumb. On the Samsung one click shuts them all down! I do that several times a day.
When typing on the Apple keyboard you have to take another step to get to the numbers. On the Samsung the letters and numbers are all on the same keyboard. To me that’s huge!
On the Samsung phone you have a “back button” which lets you instantly go back to the previous page. No such thing on the Apple, and that’s frustrating!
On the Apple you have to manually update apps, on the Samsung all apps update automatically!
On the Apple lots of functions have to be accomplished through iTunes. Frustrating and dumb. On the Samsung just plug it into your laptop or desktop computer and have access to all your folders. Easily drag and drop your choice of music into your music folder. Easily open photos for editing.
Finally, as a photographer, I think the Samsung camera is superior for many reasons that I won’t take the time to explain.
These are just a few reasons why I think the Samsung phone is a better product. There are two things that Apple does have that I wish were on the Samsung however. The mute switch on the side is very handy and a lot of people love Apple’s “FaceTime.”
Is anything in this world perfect? No. But my point here is that we all probably started with an iPhone and once accustomed to something we develop brand loyalty. I’ve used the same deodorant for years, the same cologne for even longer. Most of us won’t take the time to investigate something that maybe much better.
Just my opinion friends. Kind of like “Ford or Chevy!”