Nine hours on I40 today. At one fuel stop in Texas I was parked next to a burly man driving a flat bed truck. The bed was loaded with salt blocks for the farm animals and sitting on top of the blocks were his two dogs. We talked about diesel prices and he said in his Texas drawl, "I was very happy the other day drivin' down the highway after just payin' $3.82 a gallon, and then I had to laugh at myself!" Isn't it funny how we are now thrilled to have prices under $4.oo. The further East we drove the better the prices and at our last stop in Oklahoma City it was $3.73. The KOA here is very nice with lots of trees and a mile off the Interstate, much quieter than last night. Interstate 40 paralells old Route 66 so the big gas stops have plenty of stuff related to that era. "Get your kicks on Route 66!"
You know, when you sit driving for that long, there's plenty of time to think and most people will bring back memories. Good memories are fun to relive, but so is living for today. We have a saying on the back of our RV which states: "Heal the Past, Live the Present, Dream the Future."
Tomorrow morning it's off to Elvis' home town.